Wednesday 19 November 2008

Worries, lack of stuff, and frustrations

I am so fed up. There is so much I want to do, wish I could do, and I can't. I cant get my garden into order because it is flooded. Ok, not flooded but way too boggy. The fence needs mended (landlord is ignoring that little issue) I have no money to start raised beds, or any kind of greenhouse-type structure. And even if I did time is at such a premium I'd not get anything built anyways!
I can't have chickens because of all the above plus the landlord won't allow it.
I'm also getting worried about the 3 big dogs that have appeared in the garden backing onto ours. I really don't like the look of the big husky-type one and am worried that he'll come through the rickety fence at Jessdog - or worse, at baby G.
I have not got the time to do as much housework as I want to, or to do things like batch cook/bake and freeze. I need to figure out how my new sewing machine works but again, have not had the time to do it. And I need to start thinking about christmas soon too. Thankfully most of the presents are bought but I still have to get decorations out and sort through them and buy a tree and put it all up.....
And then there is the "IT" that keeps leaving me stinky little parcels on the driveway. Again, no help from landlord. Will have to look into getting travellers to come and tarmac it cheap. Oh and speaking of needing things cheap the sofa has collapsed, so looks like a new one is on the cards :(
Phew, feel so much better for getting that all off my chest :)