Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Frugal night out

We had a lovely night out tonight. We went to the theatre to see a play called "Yours Truely, Jack the Ripper". It was about the Whitechappel murders from the point of view of the head of the London police force at the time. It was really good and we both really enjoyed ourselves.
Best of all it was (almost) completely free!! The theatre is attached to the leisure centre I work in, and my mum has a hand in programming the theatre, so we managed to blag front row seats for free. At the interval we got a cup of tea in the staff room (another perk of the job) and splashed out on a packet of crisps each (50p each) On the way home Owen stopped to get diesel (the light had been on the whole way there so no way were we getting home on the fumes!!) and treated us to a wee choccie bar to share. Total cost - about £1.50. Oh, and my parents minded Grace so the babysitting was free too!
We had a good chat about the nappy cakes in the car. Still have not decided wether or not to put some of our precious savings in yet, but we knocked some great ideas around and I'm feeling very positive about it.

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