Thursday, 18 December 2008

Make do and mend...?

I have a question. Why wasn't I taught proper domestic science/home economics/whatever PC name it has these days at school?? I "made" one pair of oven mitts (teacher sewed them together because she didnt have time to teach us how, so she did them for us) one wheaten loaf and a strawberry milkshake. And I did it to GCSE level!!!!!!
I wish, oh how I wish now that I had more education in this way. I still have not mastered the sewing machine, socks that have holes get binned rather than darned, I have a heap of clothes that need mended, although I try very hard I feel my cookery skills could be improved...
I was lucky, I did sone Home Ec. in a well-equiped room with cookers etc. - I doubt my daughter will have the benefit of this when she grows up. Children are being horribly failed by an education system that does precious little to teach them and proper life skills that will be of any use when they are adults. We can't fix things because woodwork etc. are no longer taught, we can't feed our families because cookery lessons have been cut, we can't mend out clothes because no-one shoed us how....
I'm determined to learn more this coming year - someone needs to be able to teach Grace how to REALLY look after herself rather than how to buy new things all the time.

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