Friday, 30 January 2009

God Bless Google

What did we do before we cuold "google" things??
I have had many a happy hour recently "googling" things to make and do. I have now got an enormous list if projects to try, projects to research more, projects to modify....
I'm especially excited about some recycling crafts I'm going to have a bash at. I'm planning (in no particular order) : candles in teacups, hats and mittens from old wooly jumpers, bowls from old records and CDs, gifts in jars, fat balls for birds (already done that - pics to follow soon!!) a seed propagator from toilet rool tubes and plastic bottles, tin can lanterns for the garden, a cargo scarf (a scarf with small pockets for mobile, keys, money etc) - it';s all just so exciting!!
Plus, it has helped me find my mojo. I've had a terrible creative block recently, but thanks to googling various projects I think I'm getting back to normal. Whatever that is.
If anything has inspired me more, it's been the Down the Lane forum. People there are so supportive, and no matter how odd or obscurea question might seem, someone always comes along to help. Especially Ilona - her various craft projects and her skill at making very beautiful somethings from nothings (literally from rubbish at times) has been so inspirational and helped me find the motivation to get back on track rather than doing nothing and moping about getting nothing done!!

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