Saturday, 14 February 2009

Feeling good today

Friday the 13th, however, lived up to it's reputation. Poor Owen had toothache, and after spending the whole day in agony ringing round dentists, we had to got to the emergency dental service at the City Hospital in Belfast. Humph. Emergency tell you off for not seeing the dentist then give you some pills that don't work service would be a more accurate description. Not only that, it turns out he has an abscess, poor thing, and he'll just have to take the anti-biotics and painkillers until a dentist can see him.
The day did improve considerably when I went to bed. No, not like that, get your mind out of the gutter!! I took my laptop up with me, and a nice cup of tea. My best friend JD was online and we had a good old natter for the first time in ages. It was so good to catch up with him properly, between me not having access to instant messaging for a few months, and work, and babies, and being several thousand miles away... it had been too long since we got a chat.
So I am in a good mood today. I have been missing JD a lot recently, it's been 3 years since we last saw each other. I used to be able to jump on a train to Dublin and go and visit him for a day or a weekend, and I've missed that - I can hardly have a weekend break in Los Angeles!! But our long chat last night reminded me that with t'interweb, LA isn't that far away. We can still stay close, just not geographically for a while.
Also I have my new shoes on. New shoes always lift my mood. These are black work shoes, but they have a little heel - I have not worn heels since I found out I was pregnant over 2 years ago - and a nice round buckle and they make me feel...well, more like me, I feel nice today. Nice shoes, nice hair, makeup on...I'm feeling good today!!

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