Tuesday 23 December 2008

Santa's coming!!

how exciting - and he's coming on a real fire engine with real fire men - yippeee!!!!!
I am slightly apprehensive about it, as I have a feeling Grace is going to take one look at him and panic again - but it'll be a nice start to the festivities.
Unfortunately it also heralds the beginning of the most hectic 72 hours of the year!! I'll b eup at 6.30 tomorrow so I can hit Tesco before 7.30 - I might have a vague chance of escaping before new year!! Then home for a 10.30 video call from Owen's cousin in Australia. We're trying to set up a video call between Owen's mum and her brother Tommy on Boxing Day - she hasn't seen him in over 40 years. Then bake vegan cake for my best mate's present, pick up dry cleaning, visit an old family friend and pick Owen up from work at 3pm. After that it's home, showered and out to Nana's for christmas eve tea and pressies!!
Flip I'm getting tired just thinking about it, must go make a coffee and then start writing a shopping list.....

1 comment:

  1. You just make sure you have the time of your life ! Life is way too short and every treat and moment of love should be cherished !

    Happy Christmas, Richard
